I don't view myself as a nostalgic person, but I've begun to realize that I am settling for the realities and comforts that I already know. I remember the emotions and thoughts from engaging with something new, something different back when everything was fresh and interesting, so in a way - I am nostalgic for that feeling. What was easy back then feels more difficult now because I have grown comfortable in what I know.

I recently read an interview with Rashida Renee who I have admired and followed on Tumblr, Instagram, etc. since high school. At the end of the article, she said: "Nostalgia is for times of war and political instability. I don’t want to be drinking from the nostalgia train every day. I want to be optimistic about something new."

Even if it feels difficult to do so nowadays, I want to expand my horizons once again. Over the next 31 days, I will engage with something new to my current self. I won't limit these things to a timeframe, but I don't want to settle in my past when there is so much more out in the world. I'll keep on updating this post over these 31 days.